27 outstanding benefits Of Malunggay (Drumstick) For Health, Hair and Its Side effects

Are you looking for a solution to improve your health and hair quality? If so, then you need to give Malunggay a try. also known as ‘the tree of life’ or ‘Miracle Tree’, this plant acts as an excellent remedy for curing several sicknesses, and boost hair growth. believe it or not, it is enriched with 90 nutrients and 46 types of antioxidants!
What is Malunggay?
Malunggay is a tropical tree, which has various healing and medicinal properties. Malunggay is also known as drumstick or horseradish. This tree is a native of South Himalayas in Northwest India and largely cultivated in tropical and subtropical areas. Its plants are truly health enhancing. Malunggay is enriched with several supplements:

22% Vitamin C

41% Potassium

61% Magnesium

71% Iron

125% Calcium

272% Vitamin A

Malunggay seeds and roots are commonly used for extracting oil and its flowers can be cooked and eaten. other than that, its oil, leaves, sap, bark, and flowers are used for making several traditional medicines in several countries.
Nutritional values of Malunggay:
Malunggay leaves has a high nutritional value. and for maintaining an overall good health, an optimal delivery of nutrients for the body is required. Malunggay is enriched with 6780 mg of Vitamin A, 220 mg of Vitamin C, 440mg of calcium, 259 mg of potassium, and 6.7 mg of protein.
Malunggay leaves are packed with rich nutrients. It contains about seven more times more potassium compared to bananas and protein contained in milk. This miracle tree has several benefits for hair and health.

Here Is The list Of Malunggay benefits For Hair and Health:
A few of the innumerable benefits are as follows.
1. Boosts Immune System
Malunggay leaves can help to boost immune system ten times better when compared to commercially available vitamins and supplements.

How to Use:
Boiling and consuming malunggay leaves can help one recover from several sicknesses.

Note: Consumption of malunggay leaves daily can help improve body’s natural defense mechanism and is a good immune stimulant. It is a good remedy for aids patients.
2. Scalp Problems
The presence of calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, magnesium, and copper are really helpful for treating hair scalp problems.

3. Milk production in Nursing Mothers
Malunggay is extremely advantageous for lactating mothers. Consuming it daily can have a tremendous increase in breast milk production.
How to Use:
It is advisable for nursing moms to consume boiled malunggay leaves to promote milk production for their babies.
Note: Additionally, drinking a glass of malunggay juice daily can also increase Camiseta Selección de fútbol de Túnez the quantity of breast milk.
4. Asthma
Malunggay contains Vitamin C that can help to strengthen immune system and treat illness like asthma.
How to Use:
Consuming Malunggay leaves with honey and calamsi can help in the treatment of asthma. Its seeds and juice can also be mixed with milk to improve asthma condition. Or, inhale the steam of hot water in which Malunggay has been boiled to clear up your lung problem.
Note: You can also steep young malunggay leaves in a cup of hot water and drink its mixture to treat your asthma.
5. Skin Rejuvenation
Malunggay seed components are popularly found in most cosmetics because of its therapeutic skincare benefits. It can help to remove impurities, detoxify, and rejuvenate skin.
How to Use:
Grind the leaves of malunggay leaves and make it into a paste. Lather this mixture onto face daily to reveal a glowing skin.
Note: You can also consume fresh young malunggay leaves when you have irritated skin.

6. Hypertension
The malunggay leaves have been commonly used for controlling high blood pressure in patients. If you do not like how the malunggay leaves taste, then you can use it in powder form as well.
How to Use:
For making malunggay powder, you can dry its leaves in the sun for 2-3 days. Grind the dried leaves to form fine powder. You can mix this powder in a glass of water, and drink the solution daily.
Note: You can also grab a malunggay bar once daily.
7. Relaxant
Malunggay can help to lower our blood sugar levels, soothe digestive system, have a depressive effect on the nervous system, and thus act as a muscle relaxant.
How to Use:
Its seeds can be consumed like roasted nuts or peas, and also grounded into powder. You can also use its seeds while making curries.
Note: Malunggay have often been used as a relaxant for epilepsy patients as well.
8. Anthelmintic
Malunggay leaves contain essential nutrients known as anthelmintic which prevents parasitic or intestinal worms in the body.
How to Camiseta Vissel Kobe Use:
Mix 5-10 grams of powdered malunggay leaves, one tsp of honey in a glass of warm water. drink this mixture twice a day for best results.
Note: You can also consume this drink with coconut juice on alternate days.
9. Diabetes
Malunggay leaves are highly Camiseta Selección de fútbol de Japón recommendable for diabetic patients. Taking its infused tea can helpnullnull

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